citrus tea and the bitterness of winter

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Apparently, it's supposed to snow about an inch or so tomorrow night, which is really exciting for me porque I am a huge snow aficionado, but it'll definitely be like a bittersweet revelry from afar, because I have to stay home all weekend to study for midterms as well as a lit exam. I do plan on freezing my fingers off to take photos of the official first snowfall of the winter! I haven't been sharing a lot of things on here lately, but there have been so many interesting things on the web this week!!!

LOOK AT THESE BEAUTIES. Typically, I am a lover of the nature and the skies. I really have this inane interest to the moon as well, which was the foremost reason for my purchase of such a massive lens a few months ago. L'eclat, the chocolate boutique situated inside the Righa Royal Hotel Japan, has created these CHOCOLATES! The chocolates are replicas of the planets Mercury (coconut mango), Venus (cream lemon), Earth(cacao), Mars (orange praline), Jupiter (vanilla), Saturn (rum raisin), Uranus (milk tea), and Neptune (cappuccino). YOU can buy an individual chocolate for 400 yen (5.18USD). However, ordering the enter set for 3800yen (50USD) will also include the lovely Sun chocolate, made of criollo chocolate and pineapple, to your order. I am seriously so infatuated right now.. This would make such an excellent Valentines day present for any astronomical dilettante, or chocolate lovers, though I am unsure if the boutique ships internationally.


On a sidenote, I really have been neglecting this blog, as some mixed feelings mostly derived from teenage angst and identification verification have made it harder for me to really just think and love certain ideas and things. I know that makes absolute no sense, which really was the intended purpose of that statement, but I will update with the things that truly do inspire me more often. As for now, I have to study up, do well on exams.. The next update will revolve around a favorite snack, snow photos, and hopefully, other creative links. 

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