Why, Brian Krakow, WHY!?

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For the past three days, I have been the most religious, cult-like follower of My So-Called Life, a popular one-season  teen angst television show from the 90s. I'm really into the 90s- not like the kids my age who are nostalgic for the 90s, even though they were technically 6 years old when it ended, but really, just an admirer of the fashion, and the way things were. I really wish I could have been a teenager durante that decade, but I guess I'll just have deal out the rest of my teenage years with the glories of social media stalking(which I don't partake in anymore) and.. I don't know, whatever else is really great about my generation.

BEST PART OF THE SHOW: Brian Krakow and Angela Chase <3 Okay, yes - I am completely aware that Jordan Catalano AKA Jared Leto was starring opposite of Angela, but I was just not into his "bad boy" demeanor and the amount of times he said, "like." I actually picked up that habit from watching the show too much, but much to my liking, I have controlled it, and say sentences without using that stupid word anymore. As much as I really did die in my seat as I saw Angela drive away, and Brian just standing there with his bike, I really liked that the show ended with a cliff hanger. I think it brings kind of a 90s dynamic feel to the entire show, and I don't know- it just really left me satisfied. The possibilities are obviously endless, but maybe, I like knowing that Angela and Brian could possibly have something, even as she's driving away in "Red," with Jordan's hands probably all over her. I have a lot of reverence for one-season shows, so maybe it's just based on the fact that I'm biased..Freaks and Geeks was such a quaint little thing for me.
MSCL:  (8.5/10 FOR ME! GO watch the entire season during Christmas break if you haven't already!)
Anyways, I have one more essay to really work on, and then I am DONE! (Just kidding, 4 other colleges to apply to.. )
My Bio teacher offered extra credit for any students who would wear Endangered Species costumes for Halloween, and I decided to be a gray wolf! Exciting, I know! I plan on wearing a huge oversized gray sweater, gray tights, and probably combat boots.. I do have tall gray uggs I never wear, which would seem more suitable so perhaps..

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