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Growing up, I always wondered how "those" kids were able to solve Rubix cubes; their eyes locked onto the different colors, fingers trailed in a few swift directions, and after a few minutes - sometimes, longer - they smiled and gave back a three-dimensional square with all of it's sides in homogeneous colors. Now, in 2011, I am completely awestruck by how a person could use Rubix cubes in order to create something so beautiful-
Peter Fecteau used 4,242 Rubix cubes in order to unearth this amazing portrait of MLK. 

ANYWAYS, I am currently NOT immersing myself in SAT Biology(I will tonight, I promise) Today is Halloween, and my day in the life of a bat actually went pretty well. 
( how creative )

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nostalgia ed. 2 (in photographs)

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Taken: Spring 2011. 
One of the more quaint bookstores on South. I was actually in a moving vehicle when I took this photograph; my friends and I were driving to TLC to see Marina & the Diamonds.
I organized a picnic and invited a lot of my friends. This is Whitney; she's beautiful, intelligent, altruistic, funny, and one of my best friends. She's one of the very few people from my school who know how truly creepy I am; we've spent the last five years talking and laughing about anything and everything. For the past two weeks, every time I was in the library next to a person voting for homecoming, I would tell them to vote for Whitney. I'm pretty sure she won too, but I won't know for sure until Monday.
October 1, 2011. ~~ look at my only friends. P.S. I know eventually both of you will see this, and we really, really need to talk on the phone just to catch up and talk about nothing. 
BFF and her family. I love the Shin family, and I miss them a lot. My best friend lives next to NYC, but that's never been a problem; distance means nothing to our friendship. 
No one from my school would ever expect me to be such good friends with certain people, and here's a classic example. Alexia and I are very different people who like very, very different things, but one thing we have in common is our mutual love for certain television shows and the amount of time we spend locked in our homes and volunteering. We live off of a love-hate relationship; we both are very strange, and do creepy things together. I love her though a lot, and she's one of my closest friends in general. 

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A Redditor user asked the online community if they would be so kind to photoshop a photo of his daughter and her best friend, a recently diagnosed leukemia patient. The response was heartbreaking, heartwarming, and I'm not even going to deny it- it made me shed a few tears.

There are over 1,000 comments on this post, and I took some time to through the comments; my faith of the internet has been restored. 

BY THE WAY, it is snowing in Philadelphia right now. I wish I had my hands on Haruki Murakami's 1Q84, but I guess I'll just have to wait a bit more until I can finally wind down and read it! Ah I'm compiling a list of books to buy as soon as I finish my SAT IIs; I am really excited to just relax, work on other applications prudently, and also moderately complete school assignments. Procrastination has become the bane of my existence, and I know I have the POWER to really seize my issue firsthand, but I'm just..not doing that, okay? I'm a senior and I have the RIGHT to be lazy and spend my entire life napping//starting homework past midnight!
Pre-November Playlist!

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A few days ago, the "o" button on my Blackberry stopped working; texting became such a nuisance, but I found a few ways around the dysfunctional button:  using the "0" button, autocorrecting every word, selecting the letter "o" and then copying/pasting.. Well, my phone doesn't work at all anymore! Isn't that swell? Ugh. I have a group project, which was assigned a few days, due on FRIDAY! I rather not reactivate my Facebook, but I may have to.. Hopefully, my group members and I can figure out a decent plan, and get things done before the due date.

ALBUMS OF THE WEEK: And Then Nothing Turned Itself Inside Out - Yo La Tengo, The Clouds Taste Metallic - The Flaming Lips
I guess it's the teenage angst, but I've been listening to a lot of 80s/90s indie rock lately. I'm usually into indie music circa the 2000s, especially 2004 or 2005, but recently, I haven't been a fan of the music coming out, nor have I revisited more recent albums. 
Anyways, Halloween is on Monday, but I don't have any plans! I think I'm going to work on my social life after the SAT IIs, and I plan on organizing an autumn photoshoot! I've invited a few people already, and the reception has been really great, so I'm pretty excited. 
Later album, Yoshimi Battles The Pink Robots (2002)

P.S. If you want to reach me, feel free to email me at 

And I am so in love with Austin Brigg's work. 

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happy 153rd : )

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[To all the haters who send me cowboy photos and weird candid shots of the most beautiful man to ever live]

TODAY, October 27, is one of my most favorite days of the year; today is Teddy Roosevelt's 153rd birthday. Teddy Roosevelt is by far my most favorite president, as well as my most favorite historical figure. KEEP CALM AND CARRY A BIG STICK, GUYS! 
"The light of my life has gone out."
Ah, maybe I'll write a post about why I love him so much some other time. I have a lab to work on, and then I have to study for SAT IIs. I can not wait until November 5th passes.

On another note, I submitted my application for JHU. Woohoo..

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One month and two weeks have gone by, and I'm already finding myself dreading school and procrastinating assignments. Summer's such an effervescent time for me, and I love, love, love every moment of it; from the outdoor naps to the sleepless nights- I love not worrying about grades and assignments, and breathing in all of the summer fun. Don't get me wrong though- I do love learning. A lot. Especially the material that I've learned thus far in my classes, but sometimes, I just really need time to wind down and waste a few hours doing unproductive things and hanging out with friends.
 I haven't been feeling particularly well today, but maybe it's because of the temperature shift. Tomorrow, my school is having a blood drive, and I'm volunteering! Which reminds me.. If you're South Asian, PLEASE visit (VISIT IT ANYWAYS!)

When I turn eighteen, I plan on registering as well. 

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VIA moleskine sketchbook. i apologize for my handwriting and er lack of artistic ability, but this list trumps 140 songs.. right?
~Instead of studying for a Bio exam~ Some recent-ish shots. 

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Gaddafi's death, the continuing war on Wall Street..
Overall, this week went pretty well, and I have one essay left to write for Hopkins! I really need to finish up the supplement, and then finally, I will hit submit and wait until fate- TIME- determines my home for the next four years of my life. A lot of my friends are freaking out about college, and I feel like 95% of the conversations in my classes revolve around the #1 topic of interest, but I'm glad I'm not as freaked/stressed out. Generally, senior year has been really great, even with the huge pile of work I have to get done every night, and I know senioritis is going to get pretty bad. 

I love: friends, my Bio teacher's duck: Plato, my BFF Jamie, weekly shopping trips to Whole Foods/Trader Joes w/ my family.

Visiting Lehigh in a few weeks : ) I'm pretty excited.

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Why, Brian Krakow, WHY!?

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For the past three days, I have been the most religious, cult-like follower of My So-Called Life, a popular one-season  teen angst television show from the 90s. I'm really into the 90s- not like the kids my age who are nostalgic for the 90s, even though they were technically 6 years old when it ended, but really, just an admirer of the fashion, and the way things were. I really wish I could have been a teenager durante that decade, but I guess I'll just have deal out the rest of my teenage years with the glories of social media stalking(which I don't partake in anymore) and.. I don't know, whatever else is really great about my generation.

BEST PART OF THE SHOW: Brian Krakow and Angela Chase <3 Okay, yes - I am completely aware that Jordan Catalano AKA Jared Leto was starring opposite of Angela, but I was just not into his "bad boy" demeanor and the amount of times he said, "like." I actually picked up that habit from watching the show too much, but much to my liking, I have controlled it, and say sentences without using that stupid word anymore. As much as I really did die in my seat as I saw Angela drive away, and Brian just standing there with his bike, I really liked that the show ended with a cliff hanger. I think it brings kind of a 90s dynamic feel to the entire show, and I don't know- it just really left me satisfied. The possibilities are obviously endless, but maybe, I like knowing that Angela and Brian could possibly have something, even as she's driving away in "Red," with Jordan's hands probably all over her. I have a lot of reverence for one-season shows, so maybe it's just based on the fact that I'm biased..Freaks and Geeks was such a quaint little thing for me.
MSCL:  (8.5/10 FOR ME! GO watch the entire season during Christmas break if you haven't already!)
Anyways, I have one more essay to really work on, and then I am DONE! (Just kidding, 4 other colleges to apply to.. )
My Bio teacher offered extra credit for any students who would wear Endangered Species costumes for Halloween, and I decided to be a gray wolf! Exciting, I know! I plan on wearing a huge oversized gray sweater, gray tights, and probably combat boots.. I do have tall gray uggs I never wear, which would seem more suitable so perhaps..

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EVERY teen romance should strive to be like Oliver & Jordana's! I watched Submarine today to rewind from college essay writing/"studying," and I enjoyed it for the most part. It's funny, and the characters are different and a bit quaint, which is always a plus for me! I actually love films like Submarine. My favorites are: Good Will Hunting, A Beautiful Mind, Donnie Darko, Remember the Titans, Memento, Say Anything, Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind, Paperheart, Youth in Revolt, Elephant, Citizen Kane, High Fidelity, Midnight in Paris, An Education.. 

I ALSO cleaned my room today, and found a lot of old clothes that I actually liked.~* Please avert your eyes away from my voluptuous chest *~ I paired this vintage floral tanktop with a denim shirt and highwaisted green shorts.

New Moleskine + New Ink = Happy Camper.

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teenage dream: friday night edition

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The rain has subsided, and all of my legitimate excuses to not hang out with my friends have dwindled down to one: "hibernation"... Starting tonight, I am not permitted to leave my house except to go to school until my JHU application is complete- which, by the way, is due on November 1. Mama Lee and I actually had a conversation about college yesterday, and basically, she told me that I should go follow my dreams and go to NYU if I really, really want to. Is that even legal? Can you really spring that type of reassuring statement to your daughter after issuing an ultimatum about going to a specific school equipped with a particular major? Well then.
 This type of Friday night reminds me of my nights spent at Hopkins with my only friends, Sarah and Alex. It was completely socially acceptable to spend Friday/Saturday/(Every other) night at the library, "studying" and then indulging in extremely creepy and/or weird behavior. So, instead of living the teenage dream AKA finishing off this Dominos pasta bowl/attempting to get hulu to work so I can watch My So-Called Life, I thought I would reminisce  about Hopkins, my only friends, and the time in my life when it was OK to be a nerd.
PLEASE NOTE: It was pouring outside when I arrived home, so I took off my t-shirt.. I didn't feel like putting it back on, because I am lazy and the shirt is still quasi-drenched.
 "Yy" INTERESTING VOCAB OF THE DAY: minuscule, an adjective, is also a noun that means "lowercase letter." Throughout the entire day, I pointed that out to my friends, because the word "minuscule" was a part of our vocab test this week (and my SHIRT!!!)! No one laughed. It was the type of day that I spent thinking to myself, **cue applause.** You know what else was a vocab word? CLAQUE, which means an opera hat or a group of followers that basically follows you around like lackeys and LOL//clap after you tell jokes. I honestly think I need that type of entourage in my life.

Sarah && Alex AKA my only friends. The story of our friendship is definitely ...something different. I was surrounded by over two hundred people, but I was the most content when I was just with these two wonderful, beautiful, but most importantly, extremely creepy individuals. They both ousted me as a creeper to my POTENTIAL true love, so my dream of having a secret/hawt/dangerous/HAWT affair with a CTY RA (PERSON OF INTEREST) crashed and burned within a week of discovering him. I found it in my heart- deep, deep, deep down- to forgive them both, and continued to creep with the label as "his creeper." Sure, he avoided me, but that didn't stop me from staking him out at the FFC, and going to meals at designated times to go see him, FORCING my friends to go with me. During those meals, we would randomly burst out laughing for no apparent reason, and I'm pretty sure every camper probably though we were either a) high b) weird c) psychos or d) all of the above. I would probably go with D though, but maybe we should have conducted some type of survey, and made a graph to support this hypothesis.
 I miss studying in the study rooms at the C- and occasionally, D. betchez better back off my property- level of the library, and just talking and hanging out at the laundry room, basement, and that small area of space outside of the elevator.. During those weeks at Hopkins, I never laughed as hard, smiled as much, or really, acted just the way I really am around people who were different than I was, but clicked and synced so well with me.  I was really able to just be myself, and have people laugh (or not laugh) at the jokes I made, and appreciate me for all of my merits and the things I lacked too. If I needed help with anything, my two friends were always there for me; at various points, we all felt a bit overwhelmed or stressed out, and went into major passive bitch/reserved/toohiptotalktoyou modes, but we overcame it all within one- or in Sarah's case, two- days. I miss you both too much, and I really wish- no matter how unfeasible it may seem- that we get together, and go on a trip. It doesn't matter where we go, because as long as we're together, we will creep and that's really all that matters. Heh- we can hang out at a library, or a sketchy neighborhood and get gang raped, but at least we'll have some battle scars and garner some street cred..?
 I spent 95% of my life with Sarah, and I wouldn't have had it any other way. Sarah is one of my closest friends, and someone I literally feel comfortable telling everything to. She knows me extremely well, and is just.. Really, really awesome. She's always willing to listen, and help out, keep others' interests in her decisions, and SHE SHOWERS ME WITH LOVE AND ATTENTION AND LOVES MY STYLE OF MUSIC WHICH MAKES ME SUPER PROUD AND HAPPY. SARAH likes: ITALIANO lax hawties, shaving her legs, SINGING like she is a drunk pop-star, T-SWIFT, MAKIN'- I MEAN, HANGIN'- OUT at the LAUNDRY ROOM, ROSANNE, being a passive aggressive smut, MATH CLUB, playing her flute to get sophomore hawtie$$
I saw Alex a week ago, and we were the most beautiful biracial couple to grace the streets of Philadelphia. Heh, okay, so my "relationship" with Alex is really similar to the relationship I have with Sarah, but I like to creep w/ Alex. I remember the first conversation I had with him revolved around the basic F.A.Q.'s like, "what's your fav movie? When's your birthday(april17)?" and then it progressed to, "Hey, so do you know..?" The main reason why we're such good friends is based on the fact that we're really, really weird.. And we take pride in that- er, well at least we embrace it and act true to ourselves. 
ALEX likes: TRADER JOES, espressos, snorting coffee, being too hot && dangerous, hangin' out with friends and watching bones, getting 2 many gurls, nonchalantly creepin', memes, photography, the Gilman bathroom,  BEAUTIFUL/beautiful2/beautiful3.. ~~the limit approaches infinity~~
DISLIKES: shavin' his legs
Even as time passes, I hope we all still remain good friends, and P.I.C. (s)
No, but really, I dare you to not keep in contact with me.. Within a week, I'll be outside your window.. Was that too much? Am I within jurisdiction for a misdemeanor(OR FELONY!?)? JURY DUTY!?
MEET YOU AT THE FFC in 5 MINS! <3 <3 ~

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Yang Yongliang's series, Heavenly City, is exactly what it is- a metropolis in the sky. This is the brain child of photography, digital manipulation, and composition; it blows my mind away how technology has progressed enough to enable us to actually create what boggles down our imagination.

Though I am a huge fan of the likes of Photoshop and photo manipulation, I am an advocate of film photography. Sometimes, I think that we should enhance what we have in order to make it the best it can be, but I also believe in the idea that things should just be what they simply are- plain and raw. I was looking through some old shots that were taken in the twentieth century, and I really liked these shots :


~~CIRCA 1950-1960 The Age of Adolescence- Joseph Sterling

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